Configuration Reference

towncrier has many knobs and switches you can use, to customise it to your project’s needs. The setup in the Quick Start doesn’t touch on many, but this document will detail each of these options for you!

For how to perform common customisation tasks, see Customisation.


All configuration for towncrier sits inside pyproject.toml, under the tool.towncrier namespace. Please see the TOML GitHub repo for how to write TOML.

Top level keys

  • package – The package name of your project. (Python projects only)
  • package_dir – The folder your package lives. ./ by default, some projects might need to use src. (Python projects only)
  • newsfile – The filename of your news file. NEWS.rst by default.
  • fragment_directory – If you are not storing your newsfragments in your Python package, or aren’t using Python, this is the path to where your newsfragments will be put.
  • template – Path to an alternate template for generating the newsfile, if you have one.
  • start_line – The magic string that towncrier looks for when considering where the release notes should start. .. towncrier release notes start by default.
  • title_format – A format string for the title of your project. {name} {version} ({project_date}) by default.
  • issue_format – A format string for rendering the issue/ticket number in newsfiles. #{issue} by default.
  • underlines – The characters used for underlining headers. ["=", "-", "~"] by default.

Custom fragment types

Towncrier allows defining custom fragment types. Custom fragment types will be used instead towncrier default ones, they are not combined.

Users can configure each of their own custom fragment types by adding tables to the pyproject.toml named [tool.towncrier.fragment.<a custom fragment type>].

These tables may include the following optional keys:

  • name: The description of the fragment type, as it must be included in the news file. If omitted, it defaults to its fragment type, but capitalized.
  • showcontent: Whether if the fragment contents should be included in the news file. If omitted, it defaults to true

For example, if you want your custom fragment types to be ["feat", "fix", "chore",] and you want all of them to use the default configuration except "chore" you can do it as follows:



    name = "Other Tasks"
    showcontent = false

DEPRECATED: Defining custom fragment types with an array of toml tables

Users can create their own custom fragment types by adding an array of tables to the pyproject.toml named [[tool.towncrier.type]].

If still using this way to configure custom fragment types, please notice that fragment_types must be empty or not provided.

Each custom type ([[tool.towncrier.type]]) has the following mandatory keys:

  • directory: The type of the fragment.
  • name: The description of the fragment type, as it must be included in the news file.
  • showcontent: Whether if the fragment contents should be included in the news file.

For example:

directory = "deprecation"
name = "Deprecations"
showcontent = true

directory = "chore"
name = "Other Tasks"
showcontent = false